Tag Archives: Swan Hunter

No.737 Port Pirie launched in 1946

10,561grt for Port Line from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Scrapped in Castellon 1972

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No.304 Meduana launched in 1920

10,077grt for Cie Sudatlantique from Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Kerguelen 1928 Chargeurs Réunis Winrich von Kniprode 1940 German Navy Kerguelen 1945 Chargeurs Réunis Scrapped in Antwerp 1955

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No.366 Cuba launched in 1922

11,337grt for CGT French Line by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Torpedoed by U 1195 in the English Channel 1945 Image attribution: tynebuiltships website

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No.294 Giulio Cesare launched in 1920

21,848grt for Navigazione Generale Italiana from Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Bombed Trieste 1944

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No.914 Principe Perfeito launched September 22, 1960

19,393grt for Companhia Nacional de Navegação from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle IMO : 5285045 Al Hasa 1976 Global Transportation Fairsky 1980 Fair Line Shipping (Sitmar) Vera 1981 Sitmar Marianna IX 1982 Sappho Shipping (Latsis Group) Marianna 9 1984 Accommodation … Continue reading

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No.324 City of Paris launched in 1921

10,902grt for Ellerman Lines from Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Scrapped in Newport 1956 Image attribution: John Crossland

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No.327 Laconia launched in 1921

19,680grt for Cunard Line by Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Torpedoed by U 156 in the South Atlantic 1942 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Laconia_(1921) From Rich Turnwald U-156 37-35 Laconia 1942 09 15

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No.333 Mosella launched in 1921

10,250grt for Cie Sudatlantique from Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Jamaique 1928 Chargeurs Réunis Scrapped in Ghent 1954

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No.391 Aurania launched in 1924

13,984grt for Cunard Line from Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Artifex 1942 Royal Navy Scrapped in La Spezia 1961

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No.263 Aurania launched in 1916

13,936grt for Cunard Line by Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle Torpedoed by UB 67 in 1918 off the coast of Donegal. A trawler took the ship in tow but she became stranded near Tobermory on the Isle of Mull, … Continue reading

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