Tag Archives: Stockholm

No.822 Andrea Doria launched 1951

29,083grt for ‘Italia’ SAN Ansaldo, Sestri-Ponente Collided with the Stockholm, sank off Nantucket 1956 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Andrea_Doria Images coloured by Daryl LeBlanc and Steve Walker

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No.639 Stockholm launched in 1940

29,307grt intended for Swedish-America Line from CR dell’ Adriatico, Monfalcone Sabaudia 1941 Italia SAN Bombed Trieste 1944, scrapped by 1949

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No.610 Stockholm

28,000 gross registered tons for Swedish-America Line by CR dell’ Adriatico, Monfalcone Fire during construction 1938 Launched May 29, 1938, on Dec 19 the nearly completed ship caught fire at Monfalcone, strong winds and toxic smoke hampered fire fighting & … Continue reading

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