Tag Archives: San Giorgio

No.1733 Seabourn Odyssey launched 2008

32,346GT for Seabourn Cruise Line by San Giorgio, Genoa & Mariotti, Genoa IMO: 9417086 Image attribution: David Sky, John Gibbard & Wayne A’Court

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No.1784 Seabourn Quest launched in 2010

32,346GT for Seabourn Cruise Line from San Giorgio & Mariotti, Genoa IMO: 9483126 Image attribution: Vitor Francisco, John Emery & Tony Davis Marinko Radulić’s Seabourn Quest at Zadar

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No.2060 Seabourn Pursuit to be completed in 2023

23,000GT for Seabourn Cruises by CIMAR San Giorgio di Nogaro & Mariotti, Genoa IMO 7896325 Ships@tin.it on Marine Traffic

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No.1759 Seabourn Sojourn launched in 2009

32,346GT for Seabourn Cruise Line from San Giorgio, Genoa & Mariotti, Genoa IMO: 9417098 Image attribution: Tony Davis, Birdy Tsao, Richard MacGregory & Wayne A’Court

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