Tag Archives: Polferries

No.1766 Norman Leader launched in 2009

27,744GT for LD Lines from Singapore Technologies Marines, Singapore IMO: 9462067 Nova Star 2014 Polferries Image attribution: Salvador de la Rubia Pedraza & Willaim Dunn

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No.1315 Gotland launched in 1992

25,996GT for Rederi AB Gotland from P T Dok & Perkapalan, Jakarta IMO: 9010814 Finnarrow 1997 Finnlines O/Y Euroferry Brindisi 2013 Grimaldi Ferries Mazovia 2014 Polferries 29940GT Image attribution: Anthony Vella, Rolf Bridde & Irene Cop

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No.1132 Saga Star launched in 1981

17,672grt for Scandinavian Ferry Lines from FEAB Marstrandsverken, Uddevalla IMO: 7931997 Girolata 1989 DFDS Saga Star 1993 TT Line Dieppe 2002 Transmanche Ferries Baltivia 2003 Polferries Image attribution: simonwp on Ship Spotting

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No.2057 Varsovia floated out 18 Apr 2023

for Polska Żegluga Bałtycka SA, operator of Polferries and leased to Visemar by Visentini Images from Polferries

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No.1104 Visby launched in 1980

15,001 Rederi A/B Gotland by Øresundsvarvet A/B, Landskrona Felicity 1990 Sealink Stena Felicity 1990 Stena Line Visborg 2003 Stena Line Scandinavia 2003 Polferries Rigel II 2015 Ventouris Ferries IMO: 7826788 Visby being renamed Felicity – Tilbury 1990 Geoffrey Watson Image attribution: … Continue reading

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No.1563 Murillo launched in 2001

25,028GT for Cia Trasmediterranea from IZAR Seville, Seville Drujba 2014 Port Bulgaria West Cracovia 2017 Polferries IMO: 9237242 Image copyright: Manuel Mohedano Torres Image: Bartoscz Baginski

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