Tag Archives: Marseille

No.353 Kerguelen launched in 1922

10,017grt for Chargeurs Réunis from Ateliers et Chantiers de la Loire, St Nazaire Chantilly 1923 Messageries Maritimes Scrapped in Marseille 1952 Image attribution: http://messageries-maritimes.org 1946

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No.354 Aramis launched in 1922

14,825grt for Messageries Maritimes from Chantiers et Ataliers de la Gironde Bordeaux Numerous problems with its turbines which were replaced by classic triple expansion engines. Chenonceaux 1925 Messageries Maritimes First voyage March 11, 1927 Scuttled by the Germans in Marseille … Continue reading

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No.239 Massilia launched in 1914

15,147grt for Cie Sudatlantique from Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée, La Seyne-sur-Mer Sunk Marseille 1944, scrapped at La Seyne Massilia was the Roman city on the site of what is now Marseille

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No.460 Orford launched in 1927

19,941grt Orient Steam Navigation Co from Vickers, Barrow Bombed Marseille in 1940 Nicholas Messenger added – The photograph shows the ss Chella, on the right, capsizing as she is being shelled and Orford beached and on fire at Marseille, June … Continue reading

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