Tag Archives: Lloyd Sabaudo

No.318 Conte Rosso launched in 1921

18,017grt for Lloyd Sabaudo by Beardmore, Glasgow Torpedoed by HMS Upholder off Syracuse 1941

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No.363 Conte Verde launched in 1922

18,765 Lloyd Sabaudo from Beardmore, Glasgow After acquisition by Italian Line in 1932, she became a part of Lloyd Triestino Scuttled by crew in Shanghai 1943, raised, bombed Maizuru Japan 1944 and finally scrapped in 1949. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Conte_Verde Image from Yoshiaki … Continue reading

Posted in Cruise ship, Japanese, Navy Ship, ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

No.273 Conte Rosso launched in 1917

15,000grt for Lloyd Sabaudo by Beardmore, Glasgow Converted to an aircraft carrier HMS Argus 1918 Royal Navy Sold to Thos. W. Ward Dec 1946 & arrived at Inverkeithing to be broken up

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No.424 Conte Biancamano launched in 1925

24,416grt for Lloyd Sabaudo from Beardmore, Glasgow USS Hermitage 1942 US Navy Conte Biancamano 1947 Italia SAN Scrapped in La Spezia 1969 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Conte_Biancamano Image attribution: Steve Walker Color & Don Gammon USS Hermitage Image attribution: Don Gammon

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No.455 Conte Grande launched in 1927

25,661grt for Lloyd Sabaudo from Stabilimento Tecnico, Trieste Monticello 1942 US Navy Conte Grande 1947 Italia SAN Scrapped in La Spezia 1961 Image attribution: Steve Walker & Rhett Young Joubert Color

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No.63 Moltke launched in 1901

12,335grt for Hamburg-America Line by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg Pesaro 1915 Lloyd Sabaudo Scrapped Italy 1925 Liverpool Maritime Museum Photo: Naval History and Heritage Command

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