Tag Archives: Greek Line

No.337 Tuscania launched in 1921

16,991grt for Anchor Line from Fairfield, Glasgow Nea Hellas 1939 Greek Line New York 1955 Greek Line Scrapped in Onomichi 1961 New York in Southampton 19th July 1959 – John Gibbard

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No.877 Empress of Britain launched in 1955

25,516grt for Canadian Pacific from Fairfield, Glasgow Queen Anna Maria 1964 Greek Line Carnivale 1975 Carnival Cruise Line Fiesta Marina 1993 Fiesta Marina Cruises Olympic 1995 Epirotiki Line The Topaz 1997 TUI Travel The Topaz 2003 Topaz International Scrapped Alang … Continue reading

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No.277 Johan de Witt launched in 1919

10,355grt for Stoomv Mij ‘Nederland’ by Nederlandsche SB Mij, Amsterdam Neptunia 1949 Greek Line Scrapped Hendrik Ido Ambacht 1957 (Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht is a village and municipality in the western Netherlands)

Posted in Emigrant Ship, Navy Ship, ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship, troopship | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

No.858 Olympia launched in 1953

22,979grt for Greek Line by Stephen, Glasgow Caribe 1981 Sally Shipping Caribe I 1983 Commodore Cruise Line Regal Empress 1993 Regal Cruise Line Scrapped Alang 2009 Image attribution: Janet Cook, Tony Davis & Julio Montes

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No.537 Monarch of Bermuda launched in 1931

22,424grt for Furness, Withy & Co by Vickers-Armstrongs, Newcastle In 1947 she was gutted by fire at Palmers Shipyard, Hebburn & declared a total loss. But the Ministry of Transport had her rebuilt as an emigrant ship & moved under … Continue reading

Posted in Cruise ship, fire on ship, ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship, troopship | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

No.501 Johan van Oldenbarnevelt launched 1929

19,040grt for Stoomv Mij ‘Nederland’ by Nederlandsche SB Mij, Amsterdam Lakonia 1963 Greek Line Fire, sank north of Madeira 1963. Sank while being towed to Gibraltar. Images from Alan Titheridge, John Rankin & the Lakonia fire in my collection by … Continue reading

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