Tag Archives: Constructions Navales

No.288 Commissaire Ramel launched in 1920

10,092grt for Messageries Maritimes by Constructions Navales, La Ciotat Sunk Indian Ocean 1940

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No.690 Maréchal Pétain launched in 1944

from Constructions Navales, La Ciotat Sank & raised in 1946 and the renamed La Marseillaise’s hull was towed to Toulon then later La Ciotat Completed July 1949 17,321grt for Messageries Maritimes from Constructions Navales, La Ciotat Arosa Sky 1957 Arosa … Continue reading

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No.395 Champollion launched in 1924

12,263grt for Messageries Maritimes from Constructions Navales, La Ciotat Stranded near Beirut 1952 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champollion_(paquebot)

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No.417 Mariette Pacha launched in 1925

12,239grt for Messageries Maritimes by Constructions Navales, La Ciotat Sunk at Marseille 1944 Images: Marc Coetmellec & P Ramona on Messageries Maritimes’ site

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No.224 André Lebon launched in 1913

13,682grt for Messageries Maritimes from Constructions Navales, La Ciotat Scrapped La Ciotat 1952 http://messageries-maritimes.org/alebon.htm The André Lebon as a  hospital ship 1916-18 – P Ramona The André Lebon in August 1918 in Vladivostok – P Ramona

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No.161 Paul Lecat launched in 1911

12,989grt for Messageries Maritimes by Constructions Navales, La Ciotat Scrapped La Spezia 1928 Image attribution: http://messageries-maritimes.org

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No.1131 Atlantic launched 1981

19337 grt when launched. 35143 GT after the 1982 change in tonnage definition. No physical change, just different measurement criteria. Home Lines by Constructions Navales, La Seyne Starship Atlantic 1988 Premier Cruise Line Melody 1997 Mediterranean Shipping Company Qing 2013 … Continue reading

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