Tag Archives: Caledonia

No.751 Caledonia launched in 1947

11,255grt for Anchor Line from Fairfield, Glasgow 1965 sold and became floating hostel in Rotterdam, hence the additional windows (rather than port holes) Scrapped in Hamburg 1970 First two photos from Aden Anchor Line Caledonia Malcolm Cranfield

Posted in ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship, Passenger/Cargo, Static ship | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

No.423 Caledonia launched in 1925

17,046grt for Anchor Line from Stephen, Glasgow HMS Scotstoun 1939 Royal Navy Torpedoed by U25 off Inishtrahull 1940 Image attribution: Steve Walker Color HMS Scotstoun

Posted in Cruise ship, fire on ship, Navy Ship, ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship, troopship | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment