Tag Archives: British India

No.746 Kampala launched in 1946

10,304grt for British India Line from Stephen, Glasgow Scrapped in Kaohsiung 1971 Image attribution: Trevor Jones

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No.838 Uganda launched in 1952

16,907grt for British India Line from Barclay Curle, Glasgow Triton 1986 Triton Shipping Capsized off Kaohsiung breakers in 1986, scrapped by 1992 Image attribution: David Meare & Alan Walton

Posted in Cruise ship, Hospital ship, Navy Ship, ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship, Passenger/Cargo, troopship | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

No.383 Talma launched in 1923

10,000GT for British India Line from Hawthorn Leslie, Newcastle Scrapped in Inverkeithing 1949 Image attribution: Allan Green Collection

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No.392 Tilawa launched in 1924

10,006grt for British India Line from Hawthorn Leslie, Newcastle Torpedoed by Japanese submarine I 29 in the Indian Ocean 1942

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No.230 Hororata launched in 1913

11,243grt for New Zealand Shipping Company from Denny, Dumbarton Waroonga 1939 British India Line Torpedoed by U 635 in the Atlantic 1943 Image attribution: Clydeships

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No.766 Karanja launched in 1948

10,294grt for British India Line from Stephen, Glasgow Nancowry 1976 Shipping Corporation of India Scrapped in Bombay 1988 Image attribution: Trevor Jones

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No.810 Kenya launched in 1950

14,464 British India Line by Barclay Curle, Glasgow Scrapped in La Spezia 1969 Sister of the more famous Uganda. Incidentally British India’s Kenya of 1930, later SITMAR’s Castel Felice, was broken up in 1970. Image attribution: Ben Ayre & mine … Continue reading

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No.82 Yamuna launched in 1902

10,606grt for British India Line by Laing, Sunderland Slavonia 1904 Cunard Line Ashore in 1909 near Flores in the Azores, (where Sir Richard Grenville lay – Alfred, Lord Tennyson)

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No.880 Nevasa launched in 1955

20,527grt for British India Line from Barclay Curle, Glasgow Scrapped in Kaohsiung 1975 Built as a troopship (yellow funnel), then in late 1962 trooping by sea ended and she was converted into a schools’ cruise ship. (1964 after a long … Continue reading

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No.525 Kenya launched in1930

12,150grt for British India Line by Stephen, Glasgow Hydra 1941 Ministry of Transport, Keren 1941 MoT, Kenya 1949 Alva SS Co, Keren 1949 Alva, Fairstone 1950 Sitmar Line, Kenya 1950 Sitmar Line, Keren 1951 Sitmar Line Castel Felice 1952 Sitmar … Continue reading

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