Tag Archives: Beardmore

No.318 Conte Rosso launched in 1921

18,017grt for Lloyd Sabaudo by Beardmore, Glasgow Torpedoed by HMS Upholder off Syracuse 1941

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No.363 Conte Verde launched in 1922

18,765 Lloyd Sabaudo from Beardmore, Glasgow After acquisition by Italian Line in 1932, she became a part of Lloyd Triestino Scuttled by crew in Shanghai 1943, raised, bombed Maizuru Japan 1944 and finally scrapped in 1949. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Conte_Verde Image from Yoshiaki … Continue reading

Posted in Cruise ship, Japanese, Navy Ship, ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

No.293 Tyrrhenia launched in 1920

16,243grt for Cunard Line from Beardmore, Glasgow Lancastria 1924 Cunard Line Bombed St Nazaire 1940 with severe loss of life

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No.344 Esperance Bay launched in 1921

13,853grt for Commonwealth Government by Beardmore, Glasgow Arawa 1936 Shaw, Savill & Albion Scrapped in Newport 1955 Image attribution: Allan Green Collection & Alexander Turnbill Library Image from Lisbon Image attribution: Alexander Turnbill Library

Posted in Cruise ship, Navy Ship, ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship, Passenger/Cargo, troopship | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

No.330 Largs Bay launched in 1921

13,851grt for Commonwealth Government Line by Beardmore, Glasgow Scrapped in Barrow 1957 From the Allan Green Collection

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No.273 Conte Rosso launched in 1917

15,000grt for Lloyd Sabaudo by Beardmore, Glasgow Converted to an aircraft carrier HMS Argus 1918 Royal Navy Sold to Thos. W. Ward Dec 1946 & arrived at Inverkeithing to be broken up

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No.424 Conte Biancamano launched in 1925

24,416grt for Lloyd Sabaudo from Beardmore, Glasgow USS Hermitage 1942 US Navy Conte Biancamano 1947 Italia SAN Scrapped in La Spezia 1969 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Conte_Biancamano Image attribution: Steve Walker Color & Don Gammon USS Hermitage Image attribution: Don Gammon

Posted in Navy Ship, ocean liner, passenger liner, passenger ship, troopship | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

No.207 Alsatian launched in 1913

18,485grt for Allan Line from Beardmore, Glasgow Empress of France 1919 Canadian Pacific Scrapped in Dalmuir 1934 Image from George Duncan

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No.128 Orcoma launched in 1908

11,533grt for Pacific Steam Navigation Co by Beardmore, Glasgow Scrapped in Blyth 1933

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No.464 Duchess of Atholl launched in 1927

20,119grt for Canadian Pacific from Beardmore, Glasgow Torpedoed by U 178 off Ascension Island in 1942 The ship took my father to Suez via Freetown and Durban in Dec 1940 in Convoy WS 4B

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